Proiect ERASMUS+

Project Reference:2021-1-RO01-KA121-VET-000007393

Proiectul ERASMUS+ cu nr. 2021-1-RO01-KA121-VET-000007393 a avut ca scop imbunatatirea competentelor cheie ale profesionistilor din educatia VET si cresterea calitatii educatiei VET la nivel European.

Liceul Energetic, Craiova a derulat in perioada 11-15 iulie 2022 un proiect de mobilitate VET pentru profesorii de discipline tehnice gazduit de Asociatia EDUPLUS din Tenerife, Spania, la care au participat 5 cadre didactice din scoala.

Programul a implicat 24 de cadre educationale din 3 tari europene:  Romania, Germania si Spania.

Echipa organizatiei gazda din Spania a indrumat participantii sa isi dezvolte cunostintele si abilitatile profesionale pentru a lucra in domeniul educatiei VET, care a adus o contributie importanta la coeziunea sociala intre membrii participanti.

Activitatile desfasurate au avut in vedere nevoile educationale ale elevilor din medii vulnerabile, iar strategiile adoptate in vederea optimizarii frecventarii scolii si a implicarii familiei in viata scolara au pus accentul pe metode si tehnici ce presupun invatarea experientiala, elevul invatand din experienta proprie.

Aceste metode reprezinta o alternativa viabila la activitatea de instruire traditionala vizand dezvoltarea personalitatii elevului, valorizarea inteligentei sale emotionale si a modului de percepere a realitatii.

Activitatile de instruire la care au luat parte au oferit solutii posibile cu care se confrunta atat scoala noastra, cat si alte institutii de invatamant.

Project Reference: 2022-1-RO01-KA122-SCH-000072031

Our school applies for mobility to 3 structural courses and a job shadowing project to meet the identified needs regarding the inclusion of students from disadvantaged backgrounds and students with SEN, reducing the risk of dropout of students from disadvantaged backgrounds, optimizing the results of student success, training an organizational culture in the field of non-formal learning, increasing the European dimension of our institution by participating in cooperation projects within the Erasmus + program, through the skills acquired by 14 teachers through mobility and integrating the results of learning activities in the regular school life. The qualitative and quantitative results of the activity of our institution will be generally improved. By participating in the webinars provided by Edu2grow and Euducate Associations, we have obtained the clear and necessary information for the motivation to write a mobility project.

             Objectives: increasing by 10% the pass rate for the baccalaureate exam and National Assessment, until September 2023, applying the competencies acquired by 14 teachers through Erasmus + mobility. 2. Decrease the number of unmotivated absences by 40% for middle school and high school students, until September 2023, applying the skills acquired by 14 teachers through Erasmus + mobility.3. 75% increase in the number of European international partnerships, projects and participations made by our school until September 2023.

            Through the mobility activity for structured courses, 12 teachers from our school will participate in three training courses provided by the Edu2 grow and Euducate Association, for acquiring new competencies in the field of non-formal education, student class management and cooperation within Erasmus + programs. : Non formal for inclusion, 04-12.10 2022, Malta, 4 teachers; Outdoor Education- involve students in outdoor learning experiences, 11-19.07.2023, Malaga, Spain, 4 teachers; Harmony and learning – Promoting harmony through class management and mediation techniques to reduce early school leaving, 20-28.04.2023, Portugal, 4 teachers. Job shadowing mobility, Turkey, Murat Zelluh Secondary School, 2 teachers, 5 days.

           By participating in mobility, teachers will learn to gain confidence in working with non-formal methods, using their own qualities and the collective intelligence of the school team they will guide in the valorisation process, sharing practices and transferring knowledge and methods on inclusive approaches student class management and non-formal activities; to ensure the harmonious construction of the group subject to diversity by using non-formal group dynamics; to develop creative intercultural strategies for inclusion in school; use mediation and negotiation tools to reduce the risk of excluding disadvantaged people; to develop personal and social skills of empathic communication, to provide positive feedback.

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